Your Resource for Local Climate Questions & Action - theHumm June 2021 Your Resource for Local Climate Questions & Action - theHumm June 2021
By Chandler Swain
If you’re wondering what’s going on in Lanark with Climate Action and how you can contribute, consider this: municipal governments control or influence half of all greenhouse gas emissions produced locally.
This is good news as we try to figure out how to help create the changes needed to confront the Climate Crisis. There is significant headway to be made to address these issues here in Lanark County. We have the capacity and the power to do this. But where to start?
For the last year, members of Climate Network Lanark have been working hard to create your “go-to place” to help you engage in the hopeful, inspiring work of local Climate Action.
The fruits of their efforts can be found online at . Research and information derived from global work on climate change has been distilled down to the local level on this site. This resource is becoming a compendium of information on everything going on in Lanark County that can help you act locally in response to the global problem of our finitely-resourced planet needing some serious R&R. The site will continue to grow and provide more information on ways you can LEARN about an issue, ACT on it as an individual, and JOIN other people who are engaged in that work — both within the network and without.
CNL also has working groups engaged in nine areas such as energy, building and transportation, land use, protecting wilderness, saving our precious pollinators and much more. (If you look at back issues of theHumm from September 2020, you can read our monthly Climate Network Lanark column describing some of the people getting CNL up and running and some projects that are underway.)
There are many ways to get involved, and the information needed to do so is on the site. You might simply want information to help make a decision on getting an electric car or a heat pump, or what to plant to best help our endangered pollinators. This website is the place to go.
CNL has some 50 people involved in our Steering Committee and Working Groups now, and another 150 closely engaged. Join us in taking action to thwart runaway climate change and preserve what we love about living here in Lanark County!
Buildings and Transportation
One of CNL’s working groups concerns itself with Buildings and Transportation. Here is one point from their ambitious mission statement: “Create community engagement and ownership in setting reduction targets, in accessing programs to take action, in advocating to local governments and to developing innovative ideas and solutions”.
Local municipalities are currently considering their Official Plans, including projected population growth in the coming decades. Imagine what could be accomplished if measures in every area were based on sound policies that focused on low carbon solutions. For one thing, we are going to have to build many new housing developments. Generally such housing is expected to last 90 years. If, as has been clearly declared via the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we need to change most of the ways we do things to avoid the worst effects of climate change in a decade or so, we had better plan and design those new housing units much differently than is currently being done. For example, these new homes must be designed to use renewable energy to run them. They ought to be closely knit to provide walkable neighbourhoods near to schools, work and shopping (for details, search “5-minute communities” online).
There are great examples of growing communities that are demonstrating that changing business as usual is do-able and economical. Climate Network Lanark has experts in these relevant fields and people who just care, working on local solutions.
Frank Sammut —Fine Wood Working - theHumm June 2021
By Sally Hansen
Art… and Soul
Kokopelli Custom Woodworking is Frank Sammut’s celebration of the natural beauty and wonder encapsulated in the trees that fall on his 87 acres of bush lot near Maberly. His lifelong fondness for working with his hands has culminated in a passion for creating one-of-a-kind pieces of furniture that showcase nature’s beauty. Wood speaks to him. And he creates poetry in response.
Frank’s artistic tables and benches are as much sculptures as the......
Warden Proclaims June as PRIDE Month - theHumm June 2021
Warden Christa Lowry (Mississippi Mills Mayor) has proclaimed June as PRIDE Month in Lanark County and encourages residents to reflect on the ongoing struggle for equality faced by members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community while celebrating the contributions that enhance the county.
The proclamation expresses support for every citizen to experience equality and freedom from discrimination, and notes all people, regardless of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, genetic characteristics or disability, hav......
Seeds(or, Tiny Bodies with a Determined Will to Flourish) - theHumm June 2021
By Susie Osler
It is mid-May. Late Spring. The air is pulsing with life. The miracle that is migration parades a blessing of beautiful birds back to parks, forests, streets and yards, along with their chorus of songs telling us, again, to listen, look, and revel in Life. Amongst the flurry of feathery delights, another migration of sorts has also been underway. Postmarked packages containing thousands of little genetic bundles criss-cross the continents on flightpaths of their own — from seed producers to the mailbo......
Rural Root’s Comedic Double-Feature - theHumm June 2021
After winning the Ottawa Faces Magazine People’s Choice Award for Favourite Theatre Company, Rural Root Theatre Company is hard at work bringing live theatre to the community again.
Rural Root’s third virtual production is a comedy extravaganza that features Dagny Jackson’s Fishing for Fate and Peter Paylor’s Tea with Roger. It is being presented live via Zoom on June 3, 4 and 5 at 7:30pm and on Sunday, June 6 at 2pm. The show is free, and you can choose your date by visiting .
Imagine hailing a cab only to f......
Pop Up Summer Theatre - theHumm June 2021
By Juli Heney
Studio Theatre Perth is happy to announce a plan to return to live theatre at the end of summer — but in a new, Covid-friendly, engaging and exciting way!
During the weekend of August 28 and 29, there will be 10-minute plays popping up all over downtown Perth and in a few other select locations. We are joining forces with Kanata Theatre in presenting plays that were developed through a playwriting workshop facilitated by award-winning playwright Guy Newsham.
There will be......
Gayle Kells:Rooted in Time - theHumm June 2021
From May 26 to July 2 (leading up to Canada Day), Sivarulrasa Gallery is pleased to present Rooted in Time, an intriguing installation by Ottawa-based artist Gayle Kells that uses art to explore Canadian identity in the 21st Century. Kells was born to two Lebanese Canadians who both had parents who immigrated to Canada at different times. The installation can be viewed virtually until the current lockdown is lifted; at which time we will open our doors again to in-person view......
Art in the Garden 2021 Event Allows for Social Distancing - theHumm June 2021
Art in the Garden is back at Kiwi Gardens this year in an extended format following Covid protocols. From June 18–20 and 25–27, come wander their 10 acres and find delightful art for enhancing your home garden, produced by local artists, artfully displayed in shady woods and on sunny lawns. Bring your parasol and come for a stroll!
Art in the Garden is open Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 9–5, but tickets and car passes must be purchased for specific time slots to ena......
Destination: Downtown Smiths Falls - theHumm June 2021
By John Pigeau
When things slowly begin opening up again in Smiths Falls, folks in the area will have a whole lot to be excited about — and it’s safe to say that Amy Rensby, owner of C’est Tout Bakery, might be a little more excited than most.
She has good reason to be.
In June, C’est Tout Bakery — the little bakery that could — is set to become the first commercial tenant to open its doors at the newly restored and renovated Rideau Hotel on Beckwith Street. Understandably, Amy is pretty thril......
Abstract + Landscape An Interview with Sarah Moffat - theHumm June 2021
By Kris Riendeau
There’s a tangible sense of optimism brewing amongst visual artists and galleries in our area. After months (and months) of moving-target restrictions, many are eyeing mid-June as the time they might be able to begin the gradual return to “normal”. One artist and gallery owner who has already chucked “normal” and set her sights on “better” is Sarah Moffat . Sarah has spent the past several months doing major renovations to h......
Invasive Perennials — Buyer Beware! - theHumm June 2021
By David Hinks
I find that gardeners who choose perennial flowers to grace their yards and gardens face a bit of a dilemma. One the one hand gardeners want plants that will thrive; on the other hand they want plants that will be well behaved. Many people go into gardening with perennials believing that it will be effortless — put in the right plants and your new perennial border will be maintenance-free.
Not completely true! I find that the essence of gardening is really our desire to “shape unruly nature” to e......
Harmony Concerts Come to Perth! - theHumm June 2021
By Kris Riendeau
Although this last year or so has been exceedingly tough on artists and performers, we are starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel. One very positive sign is the announcement of a new concert series taking place at Studio Theatre Perth! Organized by Ottawa-based Harmony Concerts, the series will open with Lynn Miles in late-June and continue right through to December with a fabulous line-up that features fiddling, folk, jazz, blues and more. We (very excitedly!) contacted Harmony’s......
Mom is On Your Shoulder! - theHumm June 2021
By Glenda Jones
Listen here, You! You can’t do whatever you please and think that no one is noticing. Your Mom is noticing, and she refuses to stay silent any longer. You’re being a bad person when you abuse others, send nasty emails or anonymous Tweets. Your Mom knows, and by golly, you are going to pay! She definitely doesn’t approve of your behaviour. You know full well what’s worse than a darn good spanking, don’t you? It’s when Mom stands in front of you, with her arms crossed, and quietly says, “You’ve disappointed me. I thought you were better than that.” Yikes, you’ve been reprimanded big time. A......
Algonquin History Plaques Longstanding Indigenous Presence Recognized - theHumm June 2021
By Andy Fisher is with the Lanark County Neighbours for Truth and Reconciliation
Thousands of years before European settlers arrived in what is now called Lanark County, Algonquin/Omàmìwininì People thrived in these lands. When Samuel de Champlain first encountered Algonquins in the 1600s, the land was not empty. Rather, the Algonquin People had complex social and political structures for governing their homeland. These structures worked at an individual and collective level to maintain balanced relationships within the Natural World, fulfilling the Algonquins’ responsibilities t...... Your Resource for Local Climate Questions & Action - theHumm June 2021
By Chandler Swain
If you’re wondering what’s going on in Lanark with Climate Action and how you can contribute, consider this: municipal governments control or influence half of all greenhouse gas emissions produced locally.
This is good news as we try to figure out how to help create the changes needed to confront the Climate Crisis. There is significant headway to be made to address these issues here in Lanark County. We have the capacity and the power to do this. But where to start?
For the last year, membe......
Pandemic Puppetry and the Art of Playing - theHumm June 2021
By Danielle K.L. Grégoire
When I first moved to Almonte in 2007, it was for what I called my favourite Ps: Poetry, Puppetry and Pottery. I was lucky to live there when the Puppets Up Festival was in full swing, bringing thousands to our fair town, and right now I am revelling in the memory of those giant crowds and all the children laughing and experiencing the joy of puppetry. I moved away to Seattle in 2012, and when it came time to return to Canada there was only one place I wanted to be: the town where I h......
Cycling in Miss Mills - theHumm June 2021
Ever consider joining a bicycle group so you can share some of your rides with others? Maybe now is the time to get organized for when the Covid restrictions end. Many of us will haul out a bike this spring. Some will ride to do errands around town, a few to commute to work, others to explore the beautiful quiet roads and trails in the area, while still others will enjoy a long, hard workout. Hopefully, we all do it for pleasure. Sometimes we prefer to ride solo and sometimes the kil......
Just the Tip An Interview with Tattoo Artist Sarah Wright - theHumm June 2021
By Kris Riendeau
Over the years, I’ve learned that when one artist highly recommends another, it’s generally a good idea to follow up on the tip. In this case, the tip came from Kaajuk Kablalik, who is profiled in the April 2021 issue of theHumm. Along with the headshot for his Artist Trading Card, Kaajuk sent along a photo of his tattoos (shown here), which were done by a visual artist and graphic designer living with their four kids on a small homestead in Brooke Valley. I followed the link to their website
Go Jump in the Lake, Kids! - theHumm June 2021
By Sarah Kerr
This month’s Little Humm topic was an easy one after many weeks in lockdown with my family. We’ve all been feeling the need to tell each other to go jump in the lake this month — figuratively and literally! I don’t know if you’re in the same boat or if you need a dinghy at this point, but since we’re all enrolled in a provincial three-step program which involves nothing social until at least mid-month, I thought the best lifeline I can toss your way is to share a little backwoods tour of sw......
Lanark Prideis Now County-Wide! - theHumm June 2021
By Elizabeth Snyder
Pride in Lanark County this year looks entirely different from 2020. Last year, community organizers were still reeling from the pandemic and trying to maintain a small semblance of normalcy and ......
Feb 15 Back Forty Winterland
Feb 15 Frost & Fire Winter Festival
Feb 15 All You Need is Love Mix and Mingle Dance
Feb 24 - 25 Patrick Watson
Feb 28 Miss Emily Band
Mar 8 Basia Bulat
Mar 14 Cuff The Duke
Mar 21 JW Jones Band
Mar 30 Andrew Hyatt
Apr 5 Maria Doyle Kennedy
- Bryant Schwartz — Is It Art?
- A Wackadoodle Mashup of Will’s Works Studio Theatre’s The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) (revised) (again)
- Warm Up Your Winter with the Sounds of Chamber Music
- Four New Books to Keep You Cozy ’til Spring
- The Mystery of the Human Voice
- Road Warrior: Jack de Keyzer at The Cove
- Back Forty Winterland
- Lunar New Year 2025 Celebrate with Food, Fun, and Family Activities
- There Goes the Bride… Hilarious British Farce Starts the Season at The Station Theatre
- A New Year’s Letter from Mom