Art… and Soul… and Social Distancing… and Advice on How to Cope from Valley Artist Valerie Fulford - theHumm April 2020
Art… and Soul… and Social Distancing… and Advice on How to Cope from Valley Artist Valerie Fulford - theHumm April 2020
By Sally Hansen
Over twenty years ago theHumm appeared on the scene to promote the arts in the Ottawa Valley. April 2020 is our first non-appearance on your newsstands and at your local businesses and libraries since then. We, like the artists and arts-related businesses and events we publicize, are struggling to survive in the short term and to figure out how to revive and thrive in the future.
These are extremely challenging times. Humans dislike uncertainty and right now there are more than 7.7 billion people facing it. Around the world politicians and populations and the press and pundits are careening from denial to paralyzing fear to unwarranted optimism, all accompanied by wildly variable predictions based on very little data. We are fortunate indeed to be Canadian!
From an economic perspective, artists and arts-related businesses are particularly vulnerable because we are classified as non-essential. Humans can survive on bread (potatoes are better) and water for a long time if we can protect ourselves from the elements and predators. However, archeologists and historians have proven over and over that we and our hominoid ancestors crave art; it is essential. So, we artists (visual, musical, theatrical, literary…) will prevail and re-emerge as COVID-19 is subdued.
In the meantime, and it is a mean time, your Intrepid Arts Reporter, with over 240 artist interviews as her credentials, is reaching out to a few of the artists who have graced our covers and our pages. We want to share how they are coping instead of moping, and hoping they will share their creative approaches to dealing with the fear and stress of uncertainty.
Fortuitously something in my subconscious led me to choose Valerie Fulford as my first virtual artist interviewee. Imagine my delight when I discovered how she had answered my obligatory question as to WHY? she creates art. On the back of her Artist Trading Card in our December 2018, issue, her response states: “My art is how I cope with life — how I navigate my emotional landscape.” Val is brimming over with ideas about how one can cope and hope and not mope, and she is a poster child for her advice.
Here’s a limk to the article to refresh your memory:
Facing pandemic pandemonium today, she readily acknowledges that she is in an incredibly fortunate position economically. Her financial situation is secure enough that she does not have to worry about rent or buying food or not being able to pay for things she needs. Hopefully the new Canadian Wage Subsidy program just announced will ease concerns for many; earning a living as an artist or a gallery owner or entertainer or writer is a real challenge in the best of times.
Fulford thinks that artists, “of all the people in the world,” are best positioned to deal with forced social distancing for at least two reasons. First, many work in isolation most of the time, and have long ago learned to follow and trust their own muse. And equally important, “we have the ability to create!” So her first piece of advice is to do just that. Even if you don’t feel like working on the art you were preparing for a show that is now on indefinite hold, make something. As she puts it, “I can worry and I can knit at the same time, so I’m knitting up a storm.” Soon her new bed coverlet will be big enough to fold double.
Second, “learn something new.” Val’s new tongue (pronounced tong) drum is on order, and she can’t wait to teach herself how to play it, with the help of extensive online resources. I checked, and you don’t play it with your tongue. Learning something new takes concentration; when you concentrate on “x” you can’t worry about “y,” or COVID-19.
When I interviewed her fifteen months ago, Val had begun experimenting with a completely new body of work. For the first time in a long and very successful career she was painting abstracts. Since then she has travelled extensively with her partner, Dennis Paul, and her faithful dog Betty, fortunately returning to their home in the Lanark Highlands just as travel restrictions were being implemented. She is using her sequestered time to pull out each of her experimental canvasses to reconsider and contemplate the next direction that her very personal and private muse suggests.
Fulford is also waiting to hear how COVID-19 will affect her next scheduled artistic adventure. If all goes extremely well for the world, she is hoping to be in Poland in early 2021, working on a new animated film by the same company that scored its record-breaking success with “Loving Vincent.” We all wish her well in being able to realize that ambition.
On an unusual personal note, if you have enjoyed theHumm during our twenty years of promoting and supporting the arts and entertainment in the Valley, and you would like to help us survive to thrive again in the future, please let your friends and social contacts know about our online presence.
And please stay tuned. As an older person, in my next posting I will share some of my favourite methods of coping instead of moping. Right now, I highly recommend an enjoyable stroll through Fulford’s online gallery at .
Re-purposing Your Gifts: from Costume Designer to Mask Maker - theHumm April 2020
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Humming On in Uncertain Times - theHumm April 2020
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Books remind us, even in the best of times, th......
Reflections on Public Library Closures During COVID-19 - theHumm April 2020
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The previous day I had been naively trying to convince my staff and colleagues that with increased sanitation measures and enforced social distancing, libraries could remain open to serve our communities.
When I received the news that the library would have to close, there was an immediate whirlwind of activity. Library staff franti......
In-Between Days - theHumm April 2020
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So Canada has been on my mind for a while now, the excitement building about replacing my permanent residence card with a passport one d......
Just a Bunch of Country Kids! - theHumm April 2020
By Sarah Kerr
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Now, what does that mean? Getting back to our farming roots with our kids of course! Our family has taken this a little far and are renovating our neighbours’ old bunny hutch into a fancy new chicken coop......
Call Your Neighbour: Building Communities in Difficult Times - theHumm April 2020
By Jeff Mills
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The Power of Tech Shabbats - theHumm April 2020
By Kris Riendeau
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Stand and Listen - theHumm April 2020
By Glenda Jones
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Local Residents Roll Up their Sleeves on Climate Action - theHumm April 2020
Back in early March, over 100 Lanark residents attended a day-long workshop to plan deep climate action for our community. This Climate Action Where We Live workshop was organized by the Climate Action Network.
“We originally booked a hall that would hold 60, but within days of opening up registration we were at 80 and so had to find another venue,” says Gord Harrison, one of the event organizers. “We finally capped the numbers at 115, with a waiting list… It’s very hearteni......
The Music Will Keep Playing - theHumm April 2020
By Tony Stuart
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Obviously, I have been particularly aware of how social distancing and self-isolation has affected musicians. We have seen all of our gigs completely dry up, with no end in immediate sig......
Updates from Area Museums - theHumm April 2020
By Jennifer Irwin and Michael RikleyLancaster
Most years, local museums begin fundraising in earnest with the return of spring. This year they are having to cancel or postpone events and close their doors, so they are reaching out to patrons and community members for support. Here are some updates that were sent in response to theHumm’s recent query.
The Carleton Place & Beckwith Historical Society and the Museum are thankful for the ongoing support of The Town of Carleton Place and of Beckwith Township; however, March and April are traditio......
greenshaus, inc. (aka the Thursday Lettuce Place) - theHumm April 2020
By David Hinks
“Not bad for a guy that knows nothing about growing.”
I am standing in the midst of hundreds of gorgeous heads of buttercrunch and romaine lettuce chatting with a very modest Rob Lyle. Rob is the owner of a modern looking high-tech greenhouse on the north side of March Road east of Almonte, just a stone’s throw from the border with Ottawa.
Rob is a relative newcomer to the world of horticulture, having worked in the banking system as an investment manager for 27 years. He lost interest in tha......
Mandatory Mindfulness! - theHumm April 2020
By Helen Antebi
To quell COVID-19 and do our part to support health care workers, not to mention our families, friends and our communities, there is one skill we must acquire if we have not already.
The skill or art (depending on your approach), of mindfulness has been “trending” now for some time. Maybe there was a reason. Virtually overnight we have had to become acutely aware of our environments, the contact — or rather the distance — we have from others, the way ......
Art… and Soul… and Social Distancing… and Advice on How to Cope from Valley Artist Valerie Fulford - theHumm April 2020
By Sally Hansen
Over twenty years ago theHumm appeared on the scene to promote the arts in the Ottawa Valley. April 2020 is our first non-appearance on your newsstands and at your local businesses and libraries since then. We, like the artists and arts-related businesses and events we publicize, are struggling to survive in the short term and to figure out how to revive and thrive in the future.
These are extremely challenging times. Humans dislike uncertainty and right now there are more than 7.7 billion pe......
Time for Takeout! - theHumm April 2020
By Sebastian Weetabix
Weetabix has long been of the view that food matters are well within the editorial mandate of theHumm (food combines art, entertainment and ideas!), but there is a key difference which is one of urgency. The famous aphorism of Rene Descartes “I think therefore I am” should perhaps be restated to “I eat therefore I am” since clearly if one does not eat, soon one is not. On the contrary side we have all experienced too many examples of those who do not think and yet clearly, they are. COVID-19 pres......
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Feb 15 Back Forty Winterland
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Mar 14 Cuff The Duke
Mar 21 JW Jones Band
Mar 30 Andrew Hyatt
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