Honeybee Homestead - McDonalds Corners

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McDonalds Corners

The heART of Honeybee Homestead is to nurture relationships with plants, people, and place through playIt’s about having a good ol’ time rekindling the innate connection to nature through curiosity and first hand experiences while deepening connection to oneself, community, and the places we live and play in. The Homestead is a playground for exploration, self discovery, remembering and awe inspired wandering and wondering - for kids of all ages (that’s right, I’m talking to you big kids too!). Glean from the Homestead and incorporate pieces that stick, into your everyday. Bring ideas, concepts, and teachings home, get creative, and make them your own as you integrate them into your life. You may craft with natural materials, begin or expand a garden, identify plant friends on hikes, or be inspired to try new ways of preparing food.
